There's no photos on the camera! That means there's going to be no photos on the blog. Oh lordy! What will you all do?......... Have to read the words!
Anyway, since Nicholas' pathetic attempts, I'm back at the helm. Captain's log...
We haven't got up to too much this week. So little that a) I can't remember and b) did I mention, there's no photos?! The most exciting thing to happen during the week was a neighbour having a very smelly bonfire over two days constantly, while it was quite hot. Grrrr. My washing had to be tumble dried. Oh the woes of a stay-at-home-ish mother!!!
Apart from that, Nick's working all hours so we girls have hours of time to do what we want in! Saturday came, Nick went to work in the morning while the girls and I bumbled around, we had lunch and then went to see Nan in hospital. She's looking much better and will hopefully be allowed to go home this week. After that, a jaunt over to Grandma and Grandad's for them to do a spot more babysitting, (not doing badly lately are we?!) while Nick and I went childless to Bryan and Judy's wedding anniversary, Judy and Jo's birthday party - joint thingy! We had a lovely time, it was great winding up nieces and nephews knowing that the same couldn't be done with our (safely tucked up in bed) two! An Aunt and Uncles job I feel (unless you're Jessica or Madeline's Aunt or Uncle that is!)!!!!! Anyway, Nick was quite restrained on the juice front (as you'll see on John's blog) which was both great and disappointing. I don't want you to think he didn't have any juice. Steady on now!
So Sunday, Nick climbed Janet and Graham's apple tree for some scrumpy-ing. If you need any Bramley apples HONESTLY Janet's you're lady! We did manage to convince Jessica that she was a bit little to go climbing trees YET thankfully, but I'm sure it won't be long.
So there you have it! I'll try really hard to take photos this week.