Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day... a little late, sorry!

It won't let me put any more photos on so we'll try this but it's late and I'm tired!

We had a great day, the girls had a fabulous time opening and playing with all their presents. We had quite a lot of fun too. I particularly enjoyed tidying up the doll's house as well as my own (freak!)!

Anyway, we ate, drank and were generally quite merry although Madeline's not too good - a nasty cough and cold - but what do you expect... it's December. Should put Christmas in the summer... causes a few problems with snowmen etc though! Sorry I digress. The girls were in their element and my first family Christmas Day with my family was everything I hoped it would be. And more..... think we'd better see if it likes this before I get over sentimental (I did say I was tired!).

Night, night

Christmas Dinner


Friday, December 22, 2006

It's in!

Here follows the people Nick has thanked for all their help in submitting his PhD. Suffice to say, a milestone has been reached.... some would say thank **** for that!


This thesis was supported by an Economic and Social Research Council award.

Although a PhD is often characterised as a lonely and solitary period of study the writing of this thesis would not have been possible without the support of many other people.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Karen Legge and Paul Edwards who have acted as my supervisors throughout the process. Their breadth of knowledge has been inspirational and their ability to help me focus on certain key features of my research has been invaluable. Furthermore, their willingness to read the variety of items I have sent their way, allied with their efficiency, thoroughness and encouragement, means I feel honoured to have had their support over the past four years.

There are many other people who deserve to have their name permanently associated with this thesis for the various forms of encouragement, (financial, intellectual and emotional), that they have given me. In no particular order I would like to thank, Peter and Courtney; Sam; The Thurlbys; The ‘junior’ Circuits; Nan; The Gillis’; The Gaskells; the LaVeReGos Society; James Brassett; Eliza Gaffney; Mike Nottage; Deborah Dean; Nick Llewellyn; Mel Simms; and all of my other colleagues within the IROB Department at WBS. I am only sorry I am unable to expand upon their contributions further.

Particular thanks must go to my in-laws Janice and Pete who have given so much of their time and energy to supporting my family and I. I would also like to thank Heather Connolly whose friendship I have come to value so much. I’m not sure what would have become of me had I not had someone to share my deepest intellectual anxieties with and Heather has always been willing to listen and ‘lol’.

I still struggle to find a way to properly say thank you to my Mum and Dad without whom my life would be very different. All I will say is that if I provide half the love, support and encouragement to my children that they have given to me then I would consider myself to have done very well. And to my daughters Jessica and Madeline; thank you for helping me to keep things in perspective and because it’s amazing what occurs to you when you are awake at 2.00am.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my best friend and wife Liz, who has always been there for me. Sorry for the delay, but remember, TW makes the DW – love you!

Nick Wylie
December 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The "Tome"

Cheesy grin

Sunday, December 17, 2006

An experiment

In preparation for the big day (Christmas that is - not at all excited!) I thought I'd see if I could do videoing too! Click on this, if it works... watch Jessica reading Madeline a Christmas story. If it doesn't work... tough!

8 sleeps!

Ok, so we've actually got up to quite a lot this week! It started off quite boring though!

After the exploits of last weekend we decided to start the week slowly...... some puking from 3/4 of the family, final 1/4 awake most of the night worrying that one or all of them would choke on their own vomit. (Ok so 2/4 were worried about, the other one was big enough and ugly enough to look after himself.) Anyway, that's been blogged already.

We also had an impromptu visit from Mr and Mrs Wylie (Middle?!). They popped in on their way home from Rugby to check the oracle of car maintenance - namely, er, Nick??? (Cue bemused look from Liz). They needed to fill up the oil and seemingly watching John dismantle the Fiesta and put it back again (how many times?) helped because somewhere down the line, Nick learnt! Hurrah.

Then the rest of the week was spent sourcing a christmas tree stand for the too big christmas tree purchased by the man of the house whilst I was at work on Wednesday. Still that's not too difficult is it?....... Senior Wylies have a plethora and were going to give us one, they forgot to bring it. Bought another one. Too small (hmph.... told you the tree was too big...!). Took it back. No bigger ones. Asked Nick to estimate the diameter of the trunk. 20CENTIMETRES? Duly went to garden centre and bought one "big enough". TOO BIG! Final visit to garden centre produced an appropriately sized stand for our slightly over sized tree. This "little escapade" lasted for 4 days, yes, FOUR DAYS! Resulting in an eldest child only believing her parents to be empty promisers. Anyway, it got done eventually on Saturday night and I'm sure you'll agree it looks lovely. Phew!

So that's the main grumble for the week over, what a relief! Other than that, the girls and I have been to see Happy Feet (a must see, it was brilliant. Jessica quite liked it too! Maddy slept almost the whole way through!) after stopping off for a golden arch to be eaten in the space of 15 minutes.... no pressure!

Then today we had a very quick wander around the christmas market before we got fed up of listening to Madeline scream her list of complaints and headed for home. Lunch with Daddy, home to make decorations for the tree and now they're being coaxed into eating!

So there you have it!

See you next week...........................................................................



Traditional "Child in box" photo! Posted by Picasa

Helping....? Posted by Picasa

Decorate... Posted by Picasa

The tree Posted by Picasa

A new way to play! Posted by Picasa

Wylie Car maintenance lessons Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Da da da da da da da....

feeling pukey!

WEll, prior to last night I couldn't wear that badge of honour specially saved for mother's who've dealt with EVERYONE else in the house puking everywhere..... I've done it now! 3 hours sleep and thousands of washing loads later I think we're through the worst!


Feeling poorly Posted by Picasa

Feeling better Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 11, 2006

Two weeks to go!

In this house, we go from the sublime to the ridiculous! We didn't get up to much the week before last... but this week... well! The weekend specifically has been a myriad of events for people young and old!

On Saturday we had an early one getting to Buckingham in time for the Christmas Parade which the kids loved. Then to the pub where John propped up the bar and hid his tankard. We had to go the the UOB to take photos for Mum's Christmas card, which proved..... interesting? I'm not sure you'd use the word successful but it was certainly good fun!

Then Sunday am was spent bumbling as only the Wylies know how! In the afternoon we went to William's 5th birthday party! (Where does the time go?) We had a bawl and returned home sleepy and late, having sought restorative diet cokes and cake etc at Uncle Andrew and Auntie Bec's. There you have it. The next 10 days will be a blur but then it's party time - BRING IT ON!


C'mon... where is it?! Posted by Picasa

Heads Posted by Picasa

The Gang! Posted by Picasa

Look back left! Posted by Picasa

And she's off!Posted by Picasa

To sit with Big Sis! Posted by Picasa

The Old F.C. Posted by Picasa

Birthday Boy... I think! Posted by Picasa

Peep... Posted by Picasa

Bo! Posted by Picasa

Bridesmaid dress becomes party dress! Posted by Picasa

Tea time Posted by Picasa

Three ladies dancing Posted by Picasa

Checking the booty Posted by Picasa