Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh the shame of it all!

I'm sorry, I'm a bad person..... but most of my readers will know why I'm a little pre-occupied (and a tad lazy, I grant you!) what with the house move and stuff (which co-incidentally is THIS FRIDAY, AARRGGHH!).

Anyway, we have been busy doing lots of things, far too numerous to mention. I say this primarily in case I forget someone/thing as it's been so b****y long! However, some of the things are....
- making pizza (and lots of floury mess) with Daddy,

- going to see Nana and Grampy and going for a walk to "Snakes Valley" as known in the Circuit household - not yet shared with my daughters in case they're terrified! A lovely Sunday afternoon amble in the countryside without wellies shortly after some heavy rainfall. Not necessarily a problem but the shoes being worn were 2 weeks old and Maddy also spent most of the "trek" moaning that her legs ache and she "can't walk any more" - she managed most of it. Thanks Grampy for not being too proud about your appearance (see that's what good thousands of years in the scouting association does for you!).

- visiting the Morrises (soon to be neighbours - ish!) for some digital versatile disc entertainment in the form of HSM2. Lovely...... Bet on it....... Mmmmmmmm. I digress.

- we also had Easter weekend in Bude with the Gaskells during the hols. Great fun despite the force 9 gales and the wind. Thanks to them for the company! Lots of digging, splashing, soaking, falling over, some crying but mainly general lust for life and merriment was had by all. Plenty of pasties anyway!

- visiting Pete, Court and the bump.... we're looking forward to the next visit VERY much. Muchos excitement! But this visit was fun too!!! (She adds hastily!)

Apart from all that it's been boring housey, housey stuff. We finally exchanged on houses last Friday, a grand total of 13 weeks after putting in accepting offers for this and the new house. We complete on Thursday and move on Friday. I will try very hard to blog soon after - but, blah, blah, blah, excuses, excuses, excuses. Yadda, yadda, yadda..........

Be back soon (Yeah right!)

The lasses and their latest thing (High School Musical)

From fore to background: Jessica, Abby, Erin and Madeline! (Just in case you didn't already know!).... Oh, and a random baby!

Nana sliding?

Nana, Grampy and (some of) their grandaughters

Pizza by Wylies

The writing on the .... beach


Foreground = Gaskells, background = Wylies (minus me!)

Wylies and Gaskells (cold and wet but ignoring it!)