At last...
Canada blog is complete. Enjoy.
Living with a "book reader"!
That's right folks, the long awaited trip to Canada (or Candida as Jessica has termed it) has happened. The following is a blow by blow account of the trip with loads of photos to look at as well. Many thanks to all those who made it possible, Mum and Dad for paying for us to go, Marsha (Courtney's mum) and Bryan (Courtney's step dad) for looking after us so well, and of course to Pete and Courtney for coming up with the idea in the first place! All at Wylie News couldn't be happier for you both.
We left Leamington at about 7.45 and were on our way. We got to Gatwick for about 10.30, had our car taken away by a nice gentleman and did all the normal airport things. It was as we had just gone through security at the departure gate that Liz asked if I had picked up the camera, which I hadn't hence the slight blog delay (see Friday's post).
After managing to persuade the girls that 3am was not, as they thought, 8am we awoke about 6.30am and headed down to breakfast for about eight. Breakfast was a beautiful concotion of eggs in a ham basket with all sorts of other goodies as well.
A good night's sleep and we were ready to begin the build up to the big day. We began with a customary huge breakfast courtesy of Robyn, before the Leamington Wylies headed off for an explore of the local area.