Well, here's a thing!
I'm not one for self-vindication but there are times when it is a vital and necessary part of Blogging. I have alluded to the infamous loft incident on previous posts, however, I think it worthwhile to provide a more precise explanation of what actually happened that day.
Loft visit number one - this was initiated because of an urgent requirement for a book about weaning which 'looks a bit like this one about toddler tantrums'. Upon searching through a number of boxes in said loft, I was delighted to come across a book on weaning that certainly resembled the one I was shown and so, cock-a-hoop, struggled back out of the loft to present my find to my wife.
Loft visit number two - unfortunately despite the book both being about weaning and closely resembling the example it was 'not the right one - there's another one like that which I want'. Being a loving and dutiful husband I smiled and said that was fine I would go and have another look. About twenty minutes later, having been through all the boxes in the loft and becoming more frustrated with the whole exercise, I abandoned the search confident that my other half would recognise that I had made a stirling effort but that the book must be somewhere else.
Loft visit number three - upon reporting back to the person requiring the book that it wasn't in the loft I was greeted with the words 'that's fine, it is up there so I'll just have to go up there myself and get it!' I was incredulous and replied quite calmly 'so you don't believe me that it's not up there' to which the lady of the house said 'whatever, leave the ladder up there so when I get a moment I can find it'. I admit that by now my gander was up and so I said 'right, come upstairs I'll lift the boxes down to you and you can *:@">~# look in them'. So, up I went again, admittedly not paying heed to health and saftey and started to virtually throw boxes down to the trouble and strife so she could prove me wrong. It was whilst doing this that I slipped and, well, previous visitors to the blog will have seen the outcome.
You may be asking why I have chosen now to explain. Well, the picture below is of a cupboard in our living room. In this cupboard we keep useful reference books such as the yellow pages and recipe books. Oh, and were you ever to have a look, you would also find that in this cupboard we keep books on weaning that look very similar to other books on toddler tantrums. Welcome to my world!