Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Gillis visit

So, as the title suggests, the Gillis' came to visit the new arrival and a good time was had by all (on the whole, a minor blip for Liz and Nick - which we'll come to later...).

A visit for tea on the Monday resulted in Hannah puking on said new (second hand) furniture, I didn't think the pizzas were that bad. Apparently she does this occassionally so we're not taking it personally. The following day, all felt better so we descended on Hatton Farm. A great time was had by eldest daughter, as you'll see suggested in the photos, she didn't stop the whole time and consequently was extremely grumpy before bed. But it was great to see her bumbling around, occasionally getting over-excited and over the top, like she does. I seemed to spend most of the time feeding (Nick and Rich seemed to think so too - complaining men - "I've looked after Jessica/Hannah for ages"- delete as applicable!!!!) or, strangely, eating. Must do something about that... later!

So all was very well.. now onto Nick's minor blip.

He was supposed to find a book on weaning (a baby) out of the attic for me, he objected so much that, well... see for yourself!!


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