Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Our friends in the north!
About time I had a go at this Web site business to prove that it is a joint effort. Below you will find some pictures of our trip to Scotland to see Janet (plus bump), Richard and Hannah. The trip included a little sojourn to Edinburgh where we took Jessica to see some of mine and Liz's old haunts, as well as an afternoon in Livingston with the Havelock clan. It also involved me beating Richard at golf for the first time, despite my putting not being up to standard. We also saw Jessica's Hon. Aunt and Uncle but forgot to take any pictures so you'll just have to imagine how pleasant a time that was. So enjoy your viewing and leave us some comments.
P.S. Janet - you'll notice that I didn't post the picture of your bump, aren't I nice?
Monday, August 23, 2004
So we went to see Peter and Courtney off on their travels. Lovely meal again Janet, great company everyone else! Jessica doesn't appear willing in the photos, I think there was too much interest in the dogs, horses and tractor. At least we know her priorities. Anyway, hope you're enjoying it all Pete & Courtney.
The following weekend saw the onslaught of all Jessica's cousins, aunts, uncles & Nana & Granpy. I mean onslaught in the nicest possible way. A good time was had by all, regardless of the fact that Jessica puked at regular intervals for the previous 24 hours and hadn't slept properly. Great entertainment one and all! Haven't heard from Stoneleigh village that we're £150 quid better off - one assumes one of the villagers got the dough.
Anyway, here follows a few photos - they got muddled up for some reason, I'm sure you can work out which go where!
Friday, August 20, 2004
So we did it!
Liz Writes;
After a great deal of pondering and some swearing, we've managed to get a picture on to our new Wylie website. It took us a while to work it out but here we are. Now we've worked out how to do it we'll add some more!
A brief history about how this has come about would really only involve a question raised by Peter at the weekend, "Why haven't you 2 got a website yet?". This did set the alarm bells ringing in my head, you're out of the loop, get trendy, ... and not one to shy away from the challenge here it is Pete. So you'll all be able to keep in touch with the movements chez Wylie, including developments of number 2 as well as number 1's scary leaps into adulthood!