So we went to see Peter and Courtney off on their travels. Lovely meal again Janet, great company everyone else! Jessica doesn't appear willing in the photos, I think there was too much interest in the dogs, horses and tractor. At least we know her priorities. Anyway, hope you're enjoying it all Pete & Courtney.
The following weekend saw the onslaught of all Jessica's cousins, aunts, uncles & Nana & Granpy. I mean onslaught in the nicest possible way. A good time was had by all, regardless of the fact that Jessica puked at regular intervals for the previous 24 hours and hadn't slept properly. Great entertainment one and all! Haven't heard from Stoneleigh village that we're £150 quid better off - one assumes one of the villagers got the dough.
Anyway, here follows a few photos - they got muddled up for some reason, I'm sure you can work out which go where!
why isn't there a link to our site?!!!
like the photos - very artistic Liz...
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