It's Christmas!!

Ok, so apparently it's that time of year again. I've taken my head out of the sand and noticed the decorations, starting thinking lots about writing the Christmas cards that keep getting in my way around the house, and generally started to prepare for general merriment. The first sign was when school asked Jessica to "Dress up" in Christmassy clothes for the Christmas fayre ON NOVEMBER 30th!!!! Then we saw lights being switched on, saw Father Christmas at Milton Keynes (I forgot to take the camera!), made mince pies, etc, etc.
But all this pales into insignificance when it comes to Jessica's school production of Mary's Knitting. a) She's old enough to be taking part in a "school production" and b) it's about Mary the immaculate and her need to knit her baby a blanket to keep him warm. OMG I felt all of a jitter. But Jessica's performance was wonderful, she spent the whole time waving to get my attention, and once got, she kept mouthing "What?" and putting her hands out in a questionning manner as if to ask what the h*** I was looking at. Not that she's a prima Donna or anything!
And then to top it off we went to a very Wet and dismal Buckingham Christmas Parade yesterday with the whole gang. Which was great fun despite the rain and cold. In true Circuit style, we would not be beaten by a bit of water!!! We were the noisiest cheerers (Well Mother was!) and grabbed the most booty, reputedly (according to Megan) the best bit about the parade!
So there you have it!
Oh! And you should all be very grateful for this post as it's taken hours. The computer kept crashing...... maybe it was shock because I was actually doing my blog!!!!!