Sunday, April 08, 2007

Okay, okay.... so I'm really bad at keeping you up-to-date, but I'm distinctly better than some other bloggers around here.....

You remain nameless Pete, Courtney, Janet and Graham (ooops! sorry!).

Anyway. Here goes .........;

We finished another term at work/school/playschool.
We had a great time in Glasgow despite Maddy, Nick and Jess all being sick at different intervals.
Friday - Travelled up to Glasgow, getting lost off route near Wigan as we stopped for lunch. Resulting in lots of bendy roads rather than the motorway, and therefore yet more puke from Madeline. (She was spectacularly sick on Thursday but seemed better. How wrong were we!!!!)
Saturday - We went to the park with our scooters, which various adults carried whilst chasing children!
Sunday - Visited New Lanark - very good. A thoroughly nice bloke built a mill and community and looked after them. Heavily approved by "Mr Oppressed Masses" - even though he was sick in the car on the way up!
Monday - Visited Loch Lomond Shores, Jess' turn to throw up on the way - portable potties are a must for puking whilst driving on the motorway! Hurrah - A triumph - wish we'd known that days before!
Tuesday - beat a hasty retreat before Liz shared some of her insides! (Thankfully it never came!)
Wednesday - Beck Saunders came to see us - we did nothing apart from a supermarket trip (on account of being very tired) but it was lovely to see her, tired or not!
Thursday was an empty day. We played in the garden and generally prepared for the weekends busyment.
Friday - the girls had haircuts, we went and saw Max'Arry et al and played in the mud.
Saturday - We went to Focus (woo-hoo!) and bought shares in return for several decorating bits, then Nana and Grampy came up for lunch and to do a "spot" of wallpapering on the worst walls in the country! Me thinks a plasterer next time!
Sunday - (Oooohhhh that's today!) "We" finished the wallpapering, Nana and Grampy went home and so it was lunch and a trip to Ryton pools to have a ride on a miniature train, go for a walk and play in the woods. Obviously then you need an ice-cream and fridge magnet?!

Oh and of course - what do you want to do at 8pm after a busy day and week? Put the first coat of paint on the kitchen. As I type I can see a myriad of constellations on my hands and fingers as they dance across the keyboard. (How poetic!) It's looking good/better though. Ta Mum and Dad!

Anyway, a photographic feast.....



Da Girls!

Grumpy children and puky husbands - Hooray.... a day out with the Wylies!

"I have a dream..."

Walking in her fathers footsteps, so it seems.


School uniforms

The Gillis'

Bivvi building

Because they're gorgeous!

Partakers of ice-cream

What's my photo doing there??????

Just to let you know...

Part of the reason for my parents hasty retreat this morning was not just to avoid having to paint or clear up! My Grandad (Dad's Dad) died this morning. He just stopped breathing they said. It's very sad but I suppose just one of those things. Always in our thoughts........