All the fun of the fair, take two
So we had our last week of normality before the week of hell commenced (aka half-term!). We did the usual. Don't think anything ground breaking occurred, Jessica experimented with using the camera - examples below, until Wednesday when the Gillis' phoned to say that they wouldn't be coming at the weekend due to being sickly. Grrrrrr. No small children to entertain other small children. (We did also want Janet and Richard....... I s'pose! - Hope you're all on the mend now though.)
Anyway, hasty homework done we discovered that there was ANOTHER fair on in Warwick at the weekend. So obviously, with the bug firmly placed, we tripped on over in the late afternoon and had a lovely time fishing for yet more cuddly toys. (Don't be surprised if you get one for Christmas, we're swimming in them!). We also discovered that Jessica (hardly surprisingly) didn't like the dodgems after trying them - Madeline however was desperate to have a go but wasn't allowed - now that was fun. How would you suggest holding a camera and a rather large tantrumming 19 month old? I struggled and gave in, strapping her in the pushchair to allow me to continue my guise as a poor David Bailey. Anyway, rain stopped play so home for a hasty tea, bath then bed. They had a great time.
So that was Saturday, and on Sunday Nana and Grampy came to see us. And weren't asked to do any DIY related jobs. That'll be a first I reckon - have to make up for it next time! But we had a lovely time with them, Jessica thoroughlyt enjoyed bossing Grampy around (see it's not just you Pete W!), and Grampy had an even better time when the children got bored with constructing the marble maze thing. He sat down on the floor and immersed himself then! He could put stuff where HE wanted then! Think I know what he needs for Christmas!
So that was that. See y'all later!