Sunday, July 16, 2006


So during the week we decided that we'd all get involved in a bit of seed planting (better late than never!!) so we donned, well, nothing really. We just went out in the garden armed with the hose and seed packets. Jessica did very well at all the jobs, in particular raking the soil and watering to a high degree. Maddy? She does a very good line in standing in VERY wet and soggy soil and, what one could only describe as, splashing! The result? VERY mucky feet and a big sister VERY keen to help!

For your delectation!...

"Oook" Posted by Picasa

Mmmm Posted by Picasa

Big sister "helps" clean up Posted by Picasa


So this weekend has been a free one for The Junior Wylie Family. We bumbled around yesterday. I finally managed to convince Nick to cut some of his grey hairs off (and a significant improvement it is!) which involved a full family trip into town, GOING BY BUS! Eldest daughter thought this was "tastic!" and would happily travel that way every day I think! It's very expensive though! "Everything that's wrong with public transport isn't it. Just disgusting."
Guess who!!!!!!!!!!

We then hung around the house trying to stay cool and calm.

Water play #1 Posted by Picasa

Chillin' Posted by Picasa

Water play #2 Posted by Picasa

And so today we decided to venture out a bit more and discovered a family day at Stratford racecourse. It was lovely. We organised a bit of a picnic and arrived just before lunch, surveyed the scene and had our picnic. We then went to discover the joys of various air filled children's activities, namely a bouncy castle, bouncy slide and bouncy ball pool.... hours(?) of fun! A further wander around and Nick thought about getting me a coconut but we decided I didn't need one and it was only me that liked it, some wandering around until we'd boiled ourselves so much I just wanted to get the air conditioning on in the car! So Nick trapsed over the centre of the track with 2 small but very hot children, while I lorded it moving the car. It really was ANY excuse... that car really didn't NEED to be moved!

Anyway, the first race came and went, Jessica declared she didn't like it (for "like" I heard "approve", good girl!!!) and we said one more race, then we'll go. Of course not to be contrary, Jessica got into the flow of it second time around so we stayed for a couple until I nearly combusted internally!

A picnic with the most welsh dog training commentator you've ever heard! Posted by Picasa

Slides Posted by Picasa

Bounces Posted by Picasa

Balls Posted by Picasa

Choosing a pretty shirt, having absolutely no clue about form etc, blah, blah, waffle. We liked the "ello" one! Posted by Picasa

They're coming [and they're quite quick too!] Posted by Picasa

Ooohhhhh! Posted by Picasa

It was then a weary trek home as we'd just got ourselves too hot! Some naps for all of us, tea, and now they're playing happily in the cooler, now shady garden!

Over and out!

Because we're tired little... Posted by Picasa

Teddy Bears! Posted by Picasa

Oooh BTW!

For all of you who really care about the toilet stack in the kitchen incident.....

Nick and I have botched a seal around the "hairline crack" so it no longer leaks when the toilet's flushed or sink/bath is emptied. Phew! We're not paying a fortune for a plumber to fix it, we've drafted in an old guy we know who apparently has worked in the pipe industry for several years and enjoys watching the insides of pipes filmed on video. Oh, and his more brawny son is going to get in on the scene too. We'll let you know after the holiday.... probably with photographic evidence!

Ta ta for now!

Monday, July 10, 2006

And the worst news EVER...

It's honest and true wear and tear, to the value of about £700.....



Sunday, July 09, 2006

Better late than never!

So.... a little later than intended but here follow some photos of the very lovely, but VERY HOT day we had in London last Sunday. We got up and at 'em first thing on Sunday morning so that we could be in South Ealing for 10am! Yikes... and it was 26 degrees at that time. (I've got a feeling I might harp on a bit about how hot it was... sorry.) So we arrived and went to the service where not only did Nick become a Godfather to Joseph, but managed to show his new Godson up on first outing! The Curate made the foolish mistake of asking for a volunteer to come out to the front to play the generation game. And the rest is history as they say. Two of my favourite quotes;
1) about a batik of Jesus - "Something about Jesus"
2) another item he really SHOULD have remembered - "Oh yea, a PhD thesis, should have remembered that one really!"

So that was that. Back to chez Gaskell for a spot of lunch and some more sweating (you can only imagine the heat, the car said it was 32 when we got in at about 3pm!). Followed by an impromptu visit to Uncle Pete and Aunty Courtney, which changed from saying hello and having a drink to tea for the girls and lots of train spotting, a little bit of hiding and guess what? Some more sweating! (Don't know how hot it was by then!)

So we finally got children into PJs and bundled them into the car for the journey home, all tired and VERY HOT!

So that was then. The week was fairly uneventful, bought a paddling pool, which the girls enjoyed, la, la, la.......

Then, yesterday John, Lucy, Ella and Thomas came to see us primarily for John to help tidy up some bits in the house. Picture the scene. Everything's running along smoothly, children playing nicely, Nick standing around looking useless, asking for descriptions of what "that" tool looks like so that he can pass it to John who's toiling away putting up a new shed door, screwing sockets back into walls, blah, blah, blah.

Around 8pm They decide they'll have a look at what's underneath the dodgy laminate flooring in the kitchen. I almost wish they hadn't. Pictures to follow, won't go into too much detail in case you're eating, suffice to say the waste pipe which is boxed into the corner of the kitchen has been weeping ikky "wet stuff" onto our kitchen floor for years and flooded the downstairs. We'll keep you posted but we're thinking the entire ground floor may have to come up!!!!! Fun and japes!

Behaving (?) in church Posted by Picasa

Joseph and his enlarged possie Posted by Picasa

Mother and Son Posted by Picasa

Smiling Posted by Picasa

The Godfathers Posted by Picasa

Mother and Daughter Posted by Picasa

Happenings Posted by Picasa

Impromptu tea! Posted by Picasa

Paddling Posted by Picasa

Arty Posted by Picasa