Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jessica's Three!

So the day came and went in a whirlwind (unlike the same day three years ago!). Presents, playschool, playing, presents, cakes, playing, .... and finally (she breathed a sigh of relief - and that was just me!) bed!

It started early, precisely 0608. But apparently wasn't early enough to allow enough time to open all presents before Daddy went to work, so we had two sittings. One in the wee small hours (or at least that's what it felt like!) and one before tea. Lots of "ohhh nack you"'s and kisses etc, etc. Such a well mannered little girl. So Jessica has thoroughly enjoyed her day. Thankyou (in advance of formal thankyou's) to those who helped to make the day special for her.

I could wax lyrical about what a wonderful day it was,... and it was.... but it's very late, I'm tired and have work in the morning, so that's it. I promise I'll be more forthcoming after the "shin-dig" on Saturday. Hurrah a small room with 13 (that's right folks... THIRTEEN) hyper children in it. Does it get any better? We'll have to wait and see.


Summoning up the energy for... Posted by Picasa

Presents. Posted by Picasa

More presents. Posted by Picasa

The (second attempt at the) cake! Posted by Picasa

Present time - part two Posted by Picasa

I'm 'avin' some of this! Posted by Picasa

Birthday girl. Posted by Picasa

Blowing out in one Posted by Picasa

Yum #1 Posted by Picasa

Yum #2 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wot no kids? Posted by Picasa

That's right folks. An impromptu night of freedom in order to see how the 3D people party meant that Jessica and Madeline spent last night and today with Grandma and Grandad. Therefore, I sit here... alone... in the peace and tranquility of a clean and tidy house.... a teeny weeny hangover (basically tired!) and all my jobs done. Whilst Nick, on the other hand, saunters his way up the M40 with a somewhat larger hangover, the hum of the motor and probably the screams from two daughters! Lucky me!

So the picture explains all really. We haven't done much over the last few weeks, hence inactivity on the website. Madeline no longer crawls anywhere, and is showing signs of a VERY strong desire to run! Grump. So £15 later, she is now "good to go" on (almost) all terrain!

Jessica's back at playschool so we have some very quiet mornings in which Madeline (and I) gets frustrated as the entertainment requires us doing something rather than just watching the whirling dervish which is Jessica! So basically back to normality..............

until Wednesday.

For those of you who don't know, Jessica will be THREE YEARS OLD on Wednesday 25th Jan. I for one am lost as to exactly where the time (and my baby, coincidentally) has gone? Answers on a postcard please.

Anyway, suffice to say the next blogging will NOT be 3 weeks, but days. I'm sure you wait with baited breath!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Famous for a minute....

Well, not me. But someone Jessica and I know!

Our friend Helen (Max's Mummy) had a baby daughter at 1.18am on New Year's Day. Both Jessica and I are very excited by this news, especially when we discovered that Jocelyn was the first baby in the region, therefore warranting a visit from the Leamington Spa Courier, complete with photographer. I was forced to "blog it!".

So, Congratulations The Rowe Family, and a very warm welcome to the world Jocelyn. I look forward to meeting you next week!

Happy Families Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Time goes by...

So quickly. Happy New Year one and all!

We had a lovely time as we were actually out and doing things for New Year. Not ironing and off to bed at 9pm! We were invited for a very civilized meal and games evening chez Gaskells, which was a delight really. The food was... delicious, the beverages.... gorgeous and the company.... charming. Allison and Sarah coped admirably throughout despite their current encumbrance. And.... a special congratulations should be spared for Emma-Jane. The current champion for naming 10 tunes in 23 seconds (I think!). Your trophy is... well.... somewhere!

Anyway, suffice to say we had a lovely time (despite regular wakings from two small children - who brought them?!!!) and thankyou for having us Mr and Mrs Gaskell. Sorry we forgot the toad thingy - it wasn't on purpose, but I'm glad we still don't have it!

As quick as a flash! There she was gone! Posted by Picasa

Allison - VERY pregnant! AND NOT SITTING DOWN! Posted by Picasa

Sarah - also very pregnant! Posted by Picasa

Always a silly face...... the challenge was a failure.
Tim - one, The Wylies - nil Posted by Picasa

Mmmmm, Chocolate Orange tart! (Nice reindeer glass!) Posted by Picasa

Cocktail Master! Posted by Picasa

The guests. Posted by Picasa

Think the camera man was drunk! Posted by Picasa

The morning after the night before! Posted by Picasa