A letter
The following is a letter I sent as part of The Guardians Operation: Clark County.
See http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,1331922,00.html
Dear Candy,
I am writing to you as part of a campaign initiated by a British newspaper ‘The Guardian’ which gives readers the opportunity to send letters to registered voters in Clarke County, Ohio, in advance of the upcoming presidential election. After registering with the campaign I was provided with your name and address
I would like to start then with some apologies. First, I would like to apologise for imposing upon your time in this way. Second, I would like to apologise for being so presumptuous as to believe that you would be swayed simply on the basis of receiving a letter from someone you have never met. Finally, I would like to apologise for my handwriting; I have tried to make it as legible as possible for you but I acknowledge, and I know that my Mum would agree, that it is awful.
So, why did I decide to take part in the campaign? Well, it wasn’t because I wanted to talk to you about a specific political issue that I am passionate about. It wasn’t because I have a special insight into US politics, and it certainly wasn’t because I thought I could have an impact on the eventual outcome. Instead, I decided to take part because I really wanted to get involved in something that will have such a huge impact on everyone around the world, not just those lucky enough to actually get a direct say in the result.
So, why do I care who wins? Well, I care because I have a young daughter and another child that will be born this coming February and I know that what happens on November 2nd will touch their lives in many ways. I care who wins because I want them to grow up in world where we respect and protect our environment. I care who wins because I want them to grow up in a world which is not run in the interests of massive corporations. I care who wins because I want my children to grow up in a world where we don’t just accept that some people have and others do not. I care who wins because I want them to grow up in a world where we respect and cherish the fact that people have different beliefs and values. I care who wins because if I didn’t then I would be failing in my duty as a father.
There is one final reason why I took part in the campaign and wrote you this letter. That is because I love your country and I love its people. I was lucky enough to spend a summer living in America and I think back to that time with great fondness, partly because of the places I visited, partly because it was when my wife and I got engaged, but mainly because I met so many wonderful caring and generous people. So, I can’t describe to you how sad it is for me to see the reputation of these people damaged essentially by one man.
Therefore all I ask is that when you cast your vote please spare a thought for a small family in England and, if you do not already plan to do so, please vote for John Kerry.
With regards
Nick Wylie
Lovely picture. What a truely great idea - setting up your own website - magic!! Anon.
can't you keep nick busy on the home decorating front and stop him berating the poor defenceless citizens of ohio?
he'll be buying them books on marxism for christmas next...
can't fault the sentiment though.
And now for a word from Canada - I totally agree!! The only way anything resembling peace will be found in Iraq, or for that matter, anywhere else that the Bush family takes offense to, is if "George Dubya" is not re-elected!
(Courtney's Aunt)
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