Thursday, October 14, 2004

No news is...well a bit boring really.

That, I'm afraid, is the story behind the lack of activity on the WylieNews website over the past few weeks. The best that we can do really is a (too dark) picture of Jessica combing mummy's hair and a beautiful sunset over semi-rural Warwickshire. However, in the coming weeks watch this site for pictures of my most ambitious DIY project to date - that's right, I'm attempting to 'do' (bit of DIY speak for you there) the downstairs bathroom with plasterboard and everything, who says it's not all go here. Unfortunately I am not in a position to give anyone a definite timescale for completion although if I can drag it out till Christmas then that could be Liz's present sorted! I do actually have a picture of the ceiling that I completed at the weekend (well a picture of the second ceiling I completed, the first one having fallen on my head - no really) but feel it would be much more meaningful in a sort of then and now style. So, until then I will say goodbye.



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