Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's all gone a bit Del Amitri round here!

I leave you hanging on that title and see who gets it first!!! You only have to comment!

Anyway, we've been "being" again this week, one man down but the girls coped in the main. (Barely a cross word which is nothing short of a minor miracle!!!! Boy are we ready for school!)
The weekend was fairly low key. Gardening, jobs, ballet, etc, blah, blah, blah! Nick decided to leave the grass cutting until after tea, ERROR! It started to chuck it down just as he got the mower out!I worked the beginning of the week as Nick was in Manchester at a "conference" Wednesday to Friday and Grandma's in Bude. So that was fine.... only one lesson per class to go!

On Wednesday Nana visited. We had a ball playing and "helping" Nana sew the finishing touches to 2 lovely dresses and went to Warwick Wool for a mooch and a cuppa! It was very chilled out and relaxing.

Thursday saw Jessica having a "day" off playschool so that she could have MaxHarry round to play. Oh and Helen. Lucy, Freddie and Joss came too! The climbing frame got it's first real battering before the rain came down again! Then in the afternoon we went in to Leamington to run off some steam and look at school uniforms - blimey. You need a degree to know what to get! Suffice to say we came home empty handed!

On Friday we spent most of the day hooray-ing because Daddy was coming home soon! Then we went to get him from the station and within five minutes I was asking him if he needed to go back!!!! We'd had a lovely golf/cricket/football/anything-involving-ball-type game free week and within seconds he'd changed that! Oh and the noise level went through the roof!

So to the weekend, we've done very little. A couple of bike rides, bit of light shopping, and some dressing up. Very chilled which is good considering that this time next week.............
WE'LL BE AT THE BEACH! (We're all quite excited about that here - sunshine or no!)

So I might blog before we go - but I might not so don't hold your breath!



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