Thursday, February 02, 2006

Three is the magic number

So to the day of the big party. We prepared most of it the night before so the morning was relaxed enough for me to go and buy new underwear (all underwear currently in possession finally gave up the evening before the party!), Jessica to puke a bit and everyone to have some chill out time!

So we all bumbled around waiting for the witching hour. It came and we set up the hall. The party itself seemed to go off with a bang. Jessica certainly enjoyed herself. All the children spent most of the time smiling and (aside from Nick's appalling attempt at musical bumps) all games were entered into, and enjoyed. Even when Liz got all teacher-eee! Will wonders never cease! Food was eaten and then Jessica threw up again.

Cue mass exodus!

So we tidied up the remaining bits and went home, some to bed (namely Jessica, Madeline and Duncan) whilst the rest of us tried to re-charge for their awaking. But it was all ok because it was rounded off with a magnificent Chinese takeaway. (Almost worth doing a small children's party for that!)

So there you have it! Let the photos do the talking 'cos I'm tired!


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