Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Last weekend!

So after photographic evidence of Nick and Liz ignoring their children, we have some more photos of people being more attentive towards them. Namely, Pete, Courtney, Andrew, Allison et al.

Yes, we had a visit from the (soon-to-be) Other Wylie Jnrs. They came - they saw - they (wisely) went. The boys went to see Palace hammer Coventry whilst Coutney and I gossiped and drank tea with children sleeping upstairs. It's a tough life! We had a big meal (in inimitable Liz and Nick catering style) and then we threw them out on Sunday morning in order to go to William Black's Christening.

Slightly more stressful, initially, until we acknowledged the 3 hundred other children who would potentially create a racket through the ceremony! Then we relaxed and let them go (as you will see). Some great chat and food afterwards "chez Black". Only one tantrum when we wanted a balloon - cue indulgent Honorary Uncle Andrew. Jessica's knight in shining armour.


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