Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The aftermath

So, we said goodbye to the Byatts and they beat a hasty retreat to the fine weather in the North, leaving us to do some much needed strimming in the garden. Nick got at all the hedgy things and did a spot of topiary, making them all look straight, neat and beautiful. The only problem being fitting all the waste into the councils recycling bin. You know our green minded Nick, so he used his daughter to tramp the branches down (see below), although I think his body weight had more of an effect!

Then the day carried on uneventfully, until... 10pm. That fateful hour when, oh my! Nicholas is dying. In his defense, his vomiting was quite impressive and smelly, however, I don't think it warranted the amount of sympathy he kept complaining he wasn't getting. He lay on the sofa, hand on forehead, regaling his woes to me and the children ALL DAY - no school for him, no rest for me. What did I do to deserve that? Hmmm.

Anyway, the little soldier has forced himself in to school today.
Liz; "Do you think it's a good idea to go?"
Nick (in excessively weak and pathetic voice); "I have to."

And we all say together... "Ahhhh"


Blogger Nick & Liz; said...

Shouldn't you be looking after my children rather than besmirching my good name all over the world wide web?


2:29 PM  
Blogger Nick & Liz; said...

Good? Besmirching? Ffs

4:02 PM  
Blogger Janet Gillis said...

I'm with the scary lady - no good name for you! And we don't say 'Ahhhh', we say 'Get up or shut up!'. Honestly! Men and illness = Moany old gits!


10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough already!!

What you women always fail to realise is that men are rarely but spectacularly ill, whereas women always have something to moan about healthwise and if you laid all the moans end to end not only would you reach China but you would also out strip men moans by a factor of 10:1

To me men!!


9:17 PM  
Blogger Nick & Liz; said...

How come the last time I was ill was pregnancy or giving-birth related then? (Which was - for the record - also your son's fault!!!!!)

12:00 PM  
Blogger Graham and Janet said...

For the record, as I heard it, you wanted your wicked way with my son's body and only through the goodness of his heart did he relent and let you have your way.

Anyway pregnancy does not count.


7:28 PM  

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