Sunday, March 13, 2005

The first week

Not a huge amount has happened. My milk has come in - wow! There's a lot! If only she'd wake up occassionally to have some then perhaps I wouldn't be exploding all the time. Anyway, we're all coping so far, all dressed and fed when Nick comes home from work - something he didn't ought to get used to seeing as it takes forever to do one child, let alone the other and myself! Who knows what'll happen come next week!

Anyway, for those who need to know about all things medical, the midwife has checked her over again, weighed her and is very happy. Oh and I'm doing fine too! At the last weigh in (on Friday) Maddy had lost 4oz, thus weighing 9lb 6oz, which is all normal and good apparently so no one need worry! She had a heel prick test too which made her scream - it wasn't pleasant but she doesn't seem to be too scarred as you will see in the following photos.

So that's about it. Last night she went for 9 hours without milk, unfortunately she did scream for the first 2 of them as she had tummy ache and wanted to poo! Nice! To add insult to injury, she timed it so perfectly that we didn't get 7 hours sleep, Jessica woke up after about 5 hours - so sleep deprivation still available in this house. If anyone needs larger suitcases - Pete & Courtney maybe? - just let us know, the bags under our eyes are cavernous!


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